06 June 2022

How Long After an Accident Can You Sue in Texas?

guy sitting near the wrecked carA car accident can throw your life into a tailspin if you let it. The devastation and injury alone can cause you to hesitate in filing the appropriate legal claims. Fortunately, something called the Texas car accident statute of limitations gives accident victims a little bit of time to wait before they file a lawsuit against another driver. Here’s some information about the statute of limitations on Texas car accident rules:

Two-Year Rule

The state of Texas gives accident victims a total of two years to file their injury-related claims. The two year time frame begins on the day the accident occurred. Therefore, an accident on May 31, 2022, should be brought to a legal entity by May 31, 2024. Once that day passes, the court will not hear the case. A seasoned attorney can try to present excuses or defenses on the accident victim’s behalf, but the court may dismiss them.

Weekends and Holidays

Weekends and holidays may not factor into the statute of limitations period, and thus, you might have a little more time to file your case than you think. However, it’s not a good idea to rely on factors like and risk not getting what you deserve. It’s better to stay on top of your case from the beginning and reach out to a legal expert.

Failure To Exercise Due Diligence

Failure to exercise due diligence by notifying the other party of your legal pursuits can damage your case. In fact, your case can be outright dismissed if you fail to send a notification, complaint, or information request to the other party. That’s one of the reasons to consider hiring a reliable attorney. Such experts have years of experience reaching out to people after accidents. A tenured one knows to keep an eye on the communications and ensure that all parties receive case-related documentation.

How an Attorney Can Help

It’s never a good idea to move forward with a legal case alone. A car accident lawyer in Houston can provide you with numerous services to help you thrive after an automobile accident. Some of the most common services a respectful legal team can give you are:

Case evaluation

Your case evaluation is the first thing an attorney can offer you. He or she will look over it to see who’s at fault and whether your percentage of guilt can change the case’s outcome. Evaluations and consultations are usually free or inexpensive.

Advisory services

Your attorney is available to answer any questions you might have about legal processes. Don’t be afraid to ask anything because you think the attorney might think it’s senseless. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the law.


A reasonable attorney can negotiate with the faulted party on out-of-court settlements. That’s one process you won’t be able to do by yourself. An out-of-court payment can save you from suffering for years without money coming in, and an experienced attorney knows exactly how to negotiate it.

Case filing

No legal process is easy to do without an experienced attorney. Thus, you should consider reaching out to a professional even if you feel like you can operate on your behalf. Auto lawyers in Texas are more likely to submit flawless documents to the courts, which will keep the case progressing at a good pace.

Moral support

You might not usually think of an attorney as a friend or confidant, but a reliable lawyer can also act like one. Not all car accident lawyers have a primary focus on money. In fact, an empathetic and trustworthy firm truly cares about its clients. Sometimes you need someone in your corner who won’t judge you during your post-incident recovery. A friendly attorney can be one of the most caring people to talk to.

McLemore Law Firm is available to help you get everything you deserve for your car accident Texas injury. You can schedule a consultation if you are within the statute of limitations Texas car accident time frame after a vehicular accident. Our reliable Houston car accident lawyer will examine the details of your case and let you know how viable it is in a court of law. The entire process will be stress-free from the beginning to the end because of the legal team’s compassionate nature. Don’t let a car accident get the best of you. Reach out and speak with someone to get expert advice right away.